Ivanti Neurons for GRC Dashboards

This software provides five dashboards to overview risks, mitigation plans, controls, citations and audits.

GRC Risks Dashboard

This dashboard aims to provide a Security Manager or Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) with an overall view of the organization's current Risk Assessments.

Risks by Grade

Mitigation Plans by Status

My Risks

Risk Registry

Policies Expiring Next Month

Active Risks

Policies Requiring Review

GRC Risks Dashboard

GRC Mitigation Plans Dashboard

This dashboard provides an overall view of the organization's current Mitigation Plans.

Mitigation Plans by Status

Audits by Status

Risk Assessments by Status

Citations by Authority Document

Open Mitigation Plans

GRC Mitigation Plans Dashboard

GRC Controls Dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of the organization's current Controls and Policies status.

Controls in Implementation Phase

Controls with Open Mitigation Plans

Controls with Open Tasks

Policies being Drafted and Reviewed

GRC Controls Dashboard

GRC Citations Dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of the GDPR-related Citations and Risk Assessments.

Citations by Authority Documents

Citations by Status

Citations awaiting Assessment

All Required Citations

GRC Citations Dashboard

GRC Audit Dashboard

This dashboard provides an insight on Audits and their status.

Active Audits by Priority

Risk Count by Audits

Upcoming Audits

My Audits

My Open Audit Tasks

GRC Audit Dashboard